Fossette-M's Offline Chat Room
Fossette-M's Profile Pic
Was online 1 day ago
Goal: 1043 tk 爱永远不会迟到Love is never late
King of the room:Tip 520 tk in total!
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Golden Heart

My Private Shows

from 60 tk/min

I Do in Private Shows

Office, Smoking, Kissing, Dirty Talk
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1. Be respectful. Please respect me, my knight and everyone in the room. 尊重他人。请尊重我,我的骑士和房间里的每一个人。
1. Be respectful. Please respect me, my knight and everyone in the room. 尊重他人。请尊重我,我的骑士和房间里的每一个人。

Fossette-M`s Tip Menu

喝水 Drink water 15
私信 Private message 10
喜欢你 Like you20
给我打气 Cheer me up 20
飞吻 Blow you a kiss 30
亲亲你 Kiss you 52
送我99朵玫瑰 Send me 99 roses 99
做我的骑士 Be my Knight 520
请我吃零食Treat me to a snack30
点歌 Choose a song 20
请小酒窝喝咖啡Treat Dimple to coffee25
路过打个招呼Stop by and say hi10
加微信好友 add friends on WeChat200
每日打卡Daily clock10
爱小酒窝 Sensitivity to dimple520
关注小酒窝不迷路Watch the dimples and 5
每天打卡Punch in every day5
给你一颗心Here's a heart for you52
送我钻石Give me diamonds2000
看看小酒窝的身材Look at that dimpled f88
拍屁股三下Three pats on the ass50
隔着衣服捏胸三下Squeeze your chest thr88
想你了 Miss you,52
站着直播一分钟Stand live for one minu88
来看小酒窝Look at the dimples10
让小酒窝休息一天Give little dimples a 5555
换一件性ge into something sexy88
脱掉外面衣服直播 your outside clothes 188
给你五个心心Five hearts for you52
见到你真高兴' so good to see you 5
Make a contribution to buy lip288
给小酒窝说晚安Say good night to dimpl20

Fossette-M's Categories

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